Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rae's Birthday at Benihana's

We went to dinner for Rae's birthday. We had a bit of time to kill when we first got there so Aidan and Mike played photographer.

It started off a little silly...

Then escalated from there!

This is my fav. They look like real red neck father and son!

And the elbow made its way into the mix too!

I wanted one of the cats that they put drinks in so Dad, Simone and Colin helped me out by drinking the contents. Thanks guys!

Chef Aidan!

Rowan got to see her great grandmother!

Our chef was awesome.

He made Mickey and Aidan enjoyed that!

The chef's hat then had to make the rounds to the Parkyn clan...

It doesn't quite fit on Mike's head!

Modeling face: bewildered

Now he's just being racist.

I don't know what this is!

Same size and shape her head was when she was born!

Some quality time with Uncle Colin.

My cousins Hana and Cam.

She has started to spit which is adorable and messy :)

And time with Grandpa.

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