Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We stopped by to say hi to the Kevany Klan before heading out to Whittier. Rowan was very happy to see everyone :)

Mike got to watch football at the beach house...

Then assumed the same position at Curt and Sally's ;)

How cute are these two?

Rowan was very happy to see Grandpa!

And he was equally as happy!

Sally's mom, Marty, my Grandmother Rae, Cousin Hana, and Simone.

Alex and Jan.

Then Saturday we had Mike's fam and my mom over.

That morning the kids helped get the house ready :o)

The kids got to see their Aunt Stacy, Jill, cousin Parker....

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa...


and Kari, Grandpa and Grandma.

Aidan catching some air while bowling on the Wii.

Rowan is always her brother's biggest fan while he's playing the Wii.

Parker got to bowl too :)

These two are so cute together!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wii Gottta Wii, Yippiiii!!!

Rowan is now sitting in her highchair and eating rice cereal.

Last night in the middle of her scrumptious dinner Grandma brought Christmas a little early to the Parkyn clan....

We got a Wii!!

Row finally got to finish her meal with Grandma.

We made our players to look like ourselves and did a pretty good job.

Then we played a few games of bowling.

Super fun!

Row stayed in the stands and cheered us on!