Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oldies But Goodies

Aidan and I giving Rowan her bath together.

Then Dad joined in.

She was pretty happy to have all the attention!

Wouldn't you be if you were looking up at these three faces while bathing?!

Then we rearranged little man's room and went through the stuff in his closet.

Mike's bowling trophy :)

Aidan was impressed!

Mike's bust that his uncle made.

Aidan was impressed with that too :)

Sleepy head getting ready for bed.

These are from picture day for soccer.

Rowan got some new kicks! They were Aidan's when he was little and he said that Rowan can have them for when she's a little bigger. He's so good at sharing with her already :)

She didn't understand what all the fuss was about but she sure did like all the attention!

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