Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

Mike saw a hawk in the bushes next door!

We got halloween cards in the mail from Kerry and Auntie Mary Theresa. Aidan was very excited and liked the designs of all the cards.

And he really liked putting the money in his piggy bank!

Mike and Aidan worked so hard on that little pumpkin trying to get all the "guts" out.

He kept washing his hands because he didn't like touching the inside of the pumpkin :)

I had to do the one-leg-up stance to really get into mine.

Scary with the pumpkin scraper!

Still working on it, however unpleasantly!

It was a beautiful sunset!

Little man's fighter stance.

Normal pose.

Then fighter again :)

Who took this?!

Our masterpieces!!

From left to right: Aidan's, mine, Mike's.

So cute!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We visited a pumpkin patch over the weekend.

This is Aidan's sweet pose

And his scary pose

They had a petting zoo there complete with sheep, bunnies, a duck, goats, a pig, and...


This one was the photogenic one.

Rowan was certainly into the pets

Then it was over to the pony ride

Aidan loved it and the lady said he talked her ear off on their walk.

The little cowboy.

And the happy witch

The little witch

The kids being ghostly...

The mean scary witch

The cuties

And the whole fam

Back to petting ducks

and the pony rider.LOL