Monday, August 2, 2010

Pics From the Weekend

We went to the beach house on Friday. A bunch of my fam was down from Northern California.

Aidan always has so much fun there!

Mike has fun too :)

The wee one fell asleep and had a good nap in Grandma's arms.

Liam brought his guitar and Danny his drum. I have such good musicians in my family!

This drum is awesome. It looks like Danny's just banging on a box but it sounds amazing.

My great aunt and great uncle Kathleen and Glen :)

Cousin Cal :)

Aidan got to p;ay with the big kids with cardboard guns that Cal made.

He had a blast :)

I'm so lucky to be married to such a fantastic ping pong player!

On saturday we drove out to Corona to see some friends that just bought a house. Little man had quite the set up for the long haul out there.

La casa de Memmit.

They have an African Gray and Aidan was pretty fascinated with the bird.

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