Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Of The Kids

Rowan was just hangin out on the bed with us so I got some side pics

and some skeptical looks

The sweetest brother..

sneaking up for the kiss

all day long he just wants to kiss her and hug her.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Rowan's New Faces

Cutie Pie sleeping

Like her Dad...

She looks like she's dancing here to me.

No more pictures, mom, please...

Yawning, not screaming. So I'm told.

The alleged yawn again.

So cute.

Wish we had sound.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ice Cream Helmets

Baskin Robbins has a promotion going on right now where you can get ice cream in any MLB team hat, so of course Aidan and I went. And of course we both got White Sox helmets.

Then the whole family had to wear it. :)

Rowan was not amused...

Courtney was very amused. and patient ...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rowan's New Ride

Dad got a new ride so Little Rowan got one too. Grandma Judie got Rowan a new swing and she is still getting used to it but we think it will be very helpful in the future.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newer Pics of the Baby Girl

Colin finally agreed to hold Rowan today!!

Here I think she looks like me...

And here more like her dad...

We took a bath today and got dressed up for Father's Day!

Like her dad, she never knows what to do with her hands in pictures ;)

It's true, he does :o)