Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!!

When Aidan had woken up, the Easter Bunny had already arrived and left a trail of eggs in the house.

So lil man followed them around...

At this point he doesnt know what is around the corner...

"What the HECK???" Thats his response to seeing everything the Easter Bunny had left

Then we took him to a park by our house that was having an easter egg hunt.

He did so good by himself out there. Most of the other kids' parents cant follow rules and went out there with their kids but our guy did great all by himself.

Look at all the eggs!!! :)

Then its off to see the pigs..

play some games.

Why are Easter Bunny's so creepy? We have laughed about his face for so long. What is that expression for?

Obstacle course

Then the family went to the Fishermans for lunch.

Thanks again for a great day everyone!!! and HAPPY EASTER!

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