Friday, July 30, 2010

Game Saving Catch

This was taken at MLB Fan Fest. It's Aidan's game saving catch. There's a couple pegs on the wall that you lean against but Aidan was a little nervous so he hung on to the peg instead.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rowan's Seventh Week

Everytime I take more pictures of Rowan I have new favorites. I love how happy she is when playing on her little activity mat!

We got this for her last week and it seems to be her favorite thing to do, besides eat.

She will hang out and entertain herself for a whole ten minutes!

Nothing beats that smile!

The other day I put the wee one in her swing with a blanket while she napped. I checked on her a few minutes later and she had pulled the blanket over her head! She's a genius! :O)

Yesterday we got out of our pj's and got dressed up. She's so cute in her little outfits.

And I, like Mike, feel the same. We are incredibly lucky that God gave us such a wonderful family and a life so filled with love :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Quick Pics From The Weekend

I cannot express in words how incredibly lucky I feel everyday. How could I not with these beautiful people in my family? I know that I make silly faces(see examples below) but I am truly blessed with a sweet, caring, loving, and beautiful family.

Look at these kids....

Don't freak, these are veggie dogs. Even Aidan will not eat real hot dogs.

Beautiful as usual

Goofball as usual

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Much Has She Changed?!

These are pictures taken over the last week.

Everyday when Mike gets home from work he can see a big change in her.

She has lots of funny expressions as she wakes up :)

And always looks for that hand to get in her mouth.

Her face is much rounder and more of Mike and Aidan is showing in her face.

She's liking exercising on the floor more and more.

She actually cries to be put down now!

Rowan has a new companion- Menekke Niko. His arm waves up and down and she gets a kick out of it!

Big hands!!

And the beautiful smile!

Rowan and Menekke :)

Here comes the wind-up for the cry...

Wrinkled brow and a big frown :(

She's losing her hair but the lighting and angle of these pics make her look almost bald!

She looks like an old school gangster- loose pants and tight shirt tucked in.

She's our little angel :o)