Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Late Baby Belly Monday

Aidan helped out taking the pictures today. Sorry for the late post but here we are at 30 weeks

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sorry No Posts

So lots has been going on, one of which is our computer gave out on us. We now have a new machine but I am still figuring out how to do everything so I thought I would throw up a quick one. This is this weekend with lil man. more Hawaii coming soon too...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Belly Monday

Baby Belly Monday is BACK! Sorry we missed last week. Here is our cutie at 30 weeks. I felt Rowan really moving last night and it was amazing. Truthfully, a little creepy for me but thats part of the deal. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fast Forward to After We Got Home...

We went to the Dana Point Festival of the Whales Parade to welcome our sea friends to our local waters.

Here's the next Colin in the family: starting the bunny ears early in life :)

We are such a patriotic family!

This is the day after we got home from Kauai. I barely recognized Aidan. He looks like a little man all of a sudden!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Favorite Drive

Taking a quick break from the wedding posts for a second. This was the favorite part of our drive each day. The video really doesn't do it justice but the trees were so amazing and the bridge is cool how it curves upwards going north. I guess you maybe had to be there...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Wedding

We wrote our own vows and this is where I got really emotional.

So beautiful. Everytime I look at her I think she gets prettier and prettier.

At this part in the ceremony we took sand from underneath each other's feet and poured them together in a traditional Hawaiian shell....No not really, it was just a shell but it was to signify our paths becoming one now. It was a really nice part.

The j0ke was that I (Courtney) scooped up a tiny amount of sand compared to Mike's big handful. The sand signified our pasts and I'm laughing because he has a much bigger past than mine! ;)

So I had to dig a bit deeper and add some more sand to mine to even things out!

My dad and Simone sent us a beautiful arrangement of orchids that arrived on our wedding day, so I used one of the branches of cymbidium as my bouquet.

We got a hand carved(really) wooden dish and had in inscribed with the date, so I can always remember our anniversary, and brought the sand home. We also got 2 hand carved turtles. One for Aidan and one for Rowan. They sit in the sand.